Promo codes allow buyers to receive a discount when buying a particular product right at the stage of placing an order.
How it works?
Very easy. To begin with, you need to get the coupon code itself - find it in the "promotions" and special offers on the website, on our pages in social networks ("Facebook", "Instagram"), in our e-mail newsletters, etc.
The promo code can provide a discount for one product, or for a group of products, or for all products presented on the site. It can be both reusable and single-use.
How to apply a promo code?
1. Copy the promo code.
2. Add the product to the basket and in the pop-up window from the selected products, click - "Apply discount code".
3. Enter the promotional code in the field that appears and click the "OK" button.
If you change your mind, you can cancel the use of the promotional code.
If the code is entered incorrectly, a corresponding warning will appear. An error message will also appear if this promotional code cannot be applied to this product or group of products.